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Wewcome Rertads

Kamala Harris

Hi My NaiMe Is KaMaLa HaRiS. i aMe de 49th ViCe PrezidAnt of da UniTaad StatS. i am da FrIiisst feeMaLUU vice prezidAnt anDs da RAiEsT-rankin feeMaLUU offical in u.s. hisTory, As UeLL as Da fristy AfRikAan aMerrican Indjian An friSt asIan aMerrican Indjian vaice prezidAnt.jOe BiDen is Da 46th PrezidAnt of da UniTed StatS. He is Da oLdEst prezidAnt to take offIce and haS a LonG caReer in polItics, incLudinG beinG Da viCe PrezidAnt undEr Obama.